Quite simply an event with a mix of live in person and remote speakers and attendees.
Giving you the option to bring guests to your events that may have been impossible before, opening up a new world of audiences and expert speakers for your event.
Quite simply an event with a mix of live in person and remote speakers and attendees.
Giving you the option to bring guests to your events that may have been impossible before, opening up a new world of audiences and expert speakers for your event.
Platforms such as Zoom work well when all the speakers and attendees are in their own homes and places of business as long as they have a good internet connection and a laptop with built in microphone and webcam.
With Hybrid Events we want a lot more options. We have speakers and audience within the venue and speakers and audience online. We want to bring the event to life for both audiences. And this requires a few extra touches.
We were tasked with creating a hybrid event for the Irish College of Ophthalmologists annual Mooney Lecture, at The Alex Hotel, Dublin.
The event included two virtual keynote addresses from top US based ophthalmologists, an opening statement onsite by the President of ICO, the presentation of the new ICO promotional video, live Q&A, a panel discussion including three online and four in venue speakers.
We conducted preliminary site inspections at The Alex Hotel to ascertain what onsite equipment could be incorporated into our hybrid event set-up, thus greatly reducing the cost to the client.